Saturday, September 24, 2022

Train Park & Ice Cream

On our last day in Florida, we went to the "train park". 

They had this little train that we could buy tickets to ride. Addison was so excited. Ryan and I weren't so sure it was going to be able to pull all us adults - ha! 

They had these little "scenes" on the train ride, it was fun to see. This one is a popular hotel on Fort Myers Beach. 

Baseball field (both Red Sox & Twins have spring training in Fort Myers) and then a John Deere dealership. 

It was quite hot that day, so we went to the splash pad at the park. Mason didn't have much interest, but Addison had fun. When we were in FL in August, the news said a kid got a 2nd degree burn from this park. Crazy!  

We stopped at the gas station on the way home to get some ice cream. It's a self-serve buffet station and we were pretty bummed a bunch of kinds of ice cream were out :( but we made do with what they had. Mason liked the toppings more than the ice cream. We like to eat a lot of ice cream in Florida! 

The last picture of Mason with a full mouth of teeth...... 


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