Thursday, October 10, 2019

Some time at the farm

As Ryan and I were off exploring new towns and eating pastries and drinking wine, Addison was playing on the farm. Well actually, there wasn't much playing going on the first 6 days. She got the stomach flu less than 24 hours after she got there. And it stuck around. We felt SO BAD for my parents!! She didn't sleep for days, which meant my mom didn't sleep either. When Addy's sick, she gets up about every 20 minutes for a drink of water all night long. She got sick Monday and I don't think she ate anything until Saturday. 

But she started to feel better Easter weekend. They had to postpone her birthday party in Minneapolis so she didn't get the other kids sick, but she still got presents at the farm :)

Her farm puzzle, this has ended up being one of her favorites because there are pieces within pieces. 

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