Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Rome & Vatican City

On our way to Rome, we visited a monastery. It was at the top of a mountain, beautiful scenery on the way there. It was interesting, something we had never seen before! 

The Spanish Steps in Rome. Can't really tell by this picture, but there was a ton of people there! 

And there were even more people at the Trevi Fountain - yikes. That was insane. People bumping into you left and right and guys trying to selling you stuff. And more selfie-sticks than I've ever seen. Ha! 

Now that I've been to the Trevi Fountain, I feel like I see it all the time on TV. I never realized how many Italian landmarks are in TV shows and movies! Shortly after we got home, the CBS Sunday morning show was in Rome, visiting all the places we had just been. It was pretty cool. 

One of our first sites when we arrived in Vatican City. 

One of the massively long hallways we were ushered through at the Vatican. We saw the "Rug Room" as Landon calls it (the Tapestry Room) and a bunch of paintings and statues. We also saw St. Peter's Basilica (where you see the Pope on TV) and the Sistine Chapel. It was so crazy to me to see things that I only ever thought I would see in pictures. 

We were in Vatican City the day before Easter. So they were getting setup for their outdoor church service. In the 2nd building in this photo, it's the window that you see the pope lean out of on TV. The tours of the buildings got kind of long, but it was still pretty cool to go to Vatican City! 

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