Thursday, October 31, 2019

Roman Forum & The Coliseum

We thought the Roman Forum was super cool. It's just amazing to stand among these ruins and know that these structures were here before Jesus was alive.

This was apparently Julius Caesar's grave in the Roman Forum. Don't ask me to prove it, that's just what the rumor is - ha! 

The Coliseum was a highlight of our trip. 

It was huge! And super cool. We got pushed through with the tour group, we could have stayed longer. 

The cell where they kept the fighters until it was their time to go. 

The whole group! Since our trip, I've seen roughly 5 of the couples at ISU football games. It's been fun getting to know our travelers. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Rome & Vatican City

On our way to Rome, we visited a monastery. It was at the top of a mountain, beautiful scenery on the way there. It was interesting, something we had never seen before! 

The Spanish Steps in Rome. Can't really tell by this picture, but there was a ton of people there! 

And there were even more people at the Trevi Fountain - yikes. That was insane. People bumping into you left and right and guys trying to selling you stuff. And more selfie-sticks than I've ever seen. Ha! 

Now that I've been to the Trevi Fountain, I feel like I see it all the time on TV. I never realized how many Italian landmarks are in TV shows and movies! Shortly after we got home, the CBS Sunday morning show was in Rome, visiting all the places we had just been. It was pretty cool. 

One of our first sites when we arrived in Vatican City. 

One of the massively long hallways we were ushered through at the Vatican. We saw the "Rug Room" as Landon calls it (the Tapestry Room) and a bunch of paintings and statues. We also saw St. Peter's Basilica (where you see the Pope on TV) and the Sistine Chapel. It was so crazy to me to see things that I only ever thought I would see in pictures. 

We were in Vatican City the day before Easter. So they were getting setup for their outdoor church service. In the 2nd building in this photo, it's the window that you see the pope lean out of on TV. The tours of the buildings got kind of long, but it was still pretty cool to go to Vatican City! 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Some time at the farm

As Ryan and I were off exploring new towns and eating pastries and drinking wine, Addison was playing on the farm. Well actually, there wasn't much playing going on the first 6 days. She got the stomach flu less than 24 hours after she got there. And it stuck around. We felt SO BAD for my parents!! She didn't sleep for days, which meant my mom didn't sleep either. When Addy's sick, she gets up about every 20 minutes for a drink of water all night long. She got sick Monday and I don't think she ate anything until Saturday. 

But she started to feel better Easter weekend. They had to postpone her birthday party in Minneapolis so she didn't get the other kids sick, but she still got presents at the farm :)

Her farm puzzle, this has ended up being one of her favorites because there are pieces within pieces. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


After Pompeii, we hopped on the bus and drove to Sorrento. It was beautiful! Weather was beautiful...... view was beautiful..... 

And the chocolate fountain was beautiful too.... :) There are lots of candy and pastry shops in Italy with chocolate fountains. 

We found a nice little shop in an alley (haha) and there was a gentleman outside trying to get people in. He was actually "normal" compared to most. He gave us about 4 free samples of gelato. And there was a table of other people eating the cannoli's and they said they were amazing. So we bought a couple. Salted Carmel and Chocolate Fudge. 

It was pretty delicious! I could have ate a few more, easily. Yes we are sitting at a small table in an alley. The alley was full of shops and people. The town was a pretty interesting set-up. I apparently didn't take photos in the shop where we did shots of limoncello with some travelers. It's a strong lemon flavored liquor. Italians drink it as a palette cleanser after dinner.

We were driving back to Maiori where our hotel was and our bus stopped for us to take some scenic photos. 

AHHHH..... I MISS the pastries!! The croissants were huge and delicious!! Yumm.......