Monday, October 9, 2017

What's on TV?

Addison was so proud of her self for climbing on top of the tub. It took a while and some determination, but she did it! 

Can't believe this kid wasted peanut butter like this! I honestly have no idea how it got on her forehead.

Addison and I went to the basement one afternoon and I turned on Despicable Me. There wasn't much on TV and I don't mind that movie. Addison was very interested in the TV - she had never really watched TV like this before. She loves to watch theme songs, but never sits down to actually watch. 
Some of her favorite theme songs are Cheers and Big Bang Theory. She hears the Big Bang Theory song now and drops whatever she is doing and runs around till she finds the TV. There are also a few commercials that she loves, there is a car commercial with a big gorilla and the American Family Ins. one with Jennifer Hudson that I can't stand, haha! 

I moved her chair over so she didn't have to sit on the floor. She sat there for at least 20 minutes. 

These were taken in July I think, and it's now October. She will watch cartoons more now if we turn them on. We watched Frozen for an hour yesterday morning and she just cuddled with me on the couch. I sat there thinking of everything I should be doing as it was my only day off this week and the next month will be insanely busy. But I just sat and enjoyed hanging out with my kiddo! 

Just cruisin around on my Benz. 

This one is really hard to see but I had to take a picture. She was playing in the DVD's one night and found the movie Marley & Me. This was one of the first movies Ryan and I watched together. I told him it wasn't a good idea, but I don't think he understood. I did pretty good through most of the movie but towards the end I excused myself to my room and just bawled. I knew this would happen but Ryan didn't listen :) He kept telling me, "It's just a movie, it's not real" - haha! He never had dogs growing up (only person I know who lived on a farm without a dog), so he has no idea. I tried to explain that I missed my old dogs but he just didn't get it. 

We haven't watched that movie since. haha! ANYWAYS, Addison found and would not put it down. She carried it everywhere and said "aarf aarf" all the time. She wouldn't let Ryan take it from her when it was time for bed, so she went to bed with it. You can barely make it out in the picture above. I thought it was adorable. Hopefully someday Ryan will let us get a dog :) 

Stylin' girl in her shades. She's getting better about leaving them on for her walks! 

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