Monday, October 30, 2017

Snack time

Our floor is so could eat off it! haha! Just kidding. I was really just hoping it was clean enough for Addison to eat off of! And yes we put cereal on the floor for her on purpose, it keeps her entertained and she enjoys it - ha! 

Addison spent the day with Grandpa Ron, she was hoping she could help him mow.

Fun at the park! Addison is now getting better at riding the seal and the frog, but her favorite activities are slides and the swings. We love when she says "wweeee", it's pretty funny. Another favorite activity is watching all the older kids at the park. We were in the middle of a nerf gun war with a couple dads and boys one day. I'm surprised that Addison didn't steal any of their darts, she was enjoying stealing Brayden's darts only a few days before!

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