Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Corn on the Cob

Yes these are a little old....I'm trying to catch up! This are from the beginning of August. We got some of Grandpa Ron's sweet corn so we thought we would let Addison try some. This was how she held it when we handed it to her, we had to help a little :) 

She may not have eaten any, but we got some good photos. I'm not really sure how any kids her age actually eat it off the cob! We sliced some strips off so she could actually eat it. We hope she learns to love corn like her dad and I do!

Monday, October 30, 2017

Snack time

Our floor is so clean....you could eat off it! haha! Just kidding. I was really just hoping it was clean enough for Addison to eat off of! And yes we put cereal on the floor for her on purpose, it keeps her entertained and she enjoys it - ha! 

Addison spent the day with Grandpa Ron, she was hoping she could help him mow.

Fun at the park! Addison is now getting better at riding the seal and the frog, but her favorite activities are slides and the swings. We love when she says "wweeee", it's pretty funny. Another favorite activity is watching all the older kids at the park. We were in the middle of a nerf gun war with a couple dads and boys one day. I'm surprised that Addison didn't steal any of their darts, she was enjoying stealing Brayden's darts only a few days before!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

The bunny

These photos were from August I believe, she had just started to get up on the bunny on her own. Now (in October), she can easily get up on the bunny and loves to ride it. I'm shocked she hasn't tipped it yet.....

Look!! No hands!! 

I was at work and got this picture. Just relaxing with my feet up :) 

She was resourceful.....standing on the diaper box because she just HAD to see what was going on outside. She likes my parents house in Ames because she can see out the windows to watch people and dogs. She needs to grow a little more to see out our windows! 

Friday, October 27, 2017

Has anyone seen my pickle?

This kid makes me laugh.....who gets a pickle stuck to their forehead?? Addison loves pickles, she gets excited when she sees the pick-a-dilly come out of the fridge. 

I think she was practicing her circus act..... 

Addison's hair was getting a little long.....

So we had to try a ponytail! 

This little bag was the perfect size for Addy! She looked so cute walking around with the bag on her arm. She's going to be my little shopping buddy :)

Friday, October 13, 2017

Go Cubs Go

We dressed Addison in her White Sox outfit to go to daycare one Friday. We didn't really think ahead.....

We had to change to our Cubs outfit that night as we were going to an I-Cubs game!! 

The MBA program was offering a free picnic and tickets to the game on a Friday and since I have all the time in the world now that school is over, we said sure :) It was hot hot hot though. SO HOT, that we actually only stayed for the picnic and the poor kiddo was miserable. So we left without watching the game. We got a picture first though. 

One of these days we will take her to a Chicago Cubs game! 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Splish Splash Addy's Taking a Bath

 That's right, our 15 month (at the time) was still in a bath chair! This kid loved the bath chair. She would not take a bath without it. She screamed and screamed. I think she might be the only kid ever who didn't want to give up the bath chair!!

It took a few tries, but FINALLY we got her to bathe without the chair. We distracted her by pouring water out of a cup. She loves to "hit it" so it sprays everywhere and she tries to catch it. She thinks it's super funny when you pour it on her belly too. I think it's hard to bathe her without the chair, washing her hair was so easy that way! 

Also, she is almost 18 months old and still has no bath toys. We kind of feel like we are depriving her...... but she does fine! We will see if we can find her a few toys!

Monday, October 9, 2017

What's on TV?

Addison was so proud of her self for climbing on top of the tub. It took a while and some determination, but she did it! 

Can't believe this kid wasted peanut butter like this! I honestly have no idea how it got on her forehead.

Addison and I went to the basement one afternoon and I turned on Despicable Me. There wasn't much on TV and I don't mind that movie. Addison was very interested in the TV - she had never really watched TV like this before. She loves to watch theme songs, but never sits down to actually watch. 
Some of her favorite theme songs are Cheers and Big Bang Theory. She hears the Big Bang Theory song now and drops whatever she is doing and runs around till she finds the TV. There are also a few commercials that she loves, there is a car commercial with a big gorilla and the American Family Ins. one with Jennifer Hudson that I can't stand, haha! 

I moved her chair over so she didn't have to sit on the floor. She sat there for at least 20 minutes. 

These were taken in July I think, and it's now October. She will watch cartoons more now if we turn them on. We watched Frozen for an hour yesterday morning and she just cuddled with me on the couch. I sat there thinking of everything I should be doing as it was my only day off this week and the next month will be insanely busy. But I just sat and enjoyed hanging out with my kiddo! 

Just cruisin around on my Benz. 

This one is really hard to see but I had to take a picture. She was playing in the DVD's one night and found the movie Marley & Me. This was one of the first movies Ryan and I watched together. I told him it wasn't a good idea, but I don't think he understood. I did pretty good through most of the movie but towards the end I excused myself to my room and just bawled. I knew this would happen but Ryan didn't listen :) He kept telling me, "It's just a movie, it's not real" - haha! He never had dogs growing up (only person I know who lived on a farm without a dog), so he has no idea. I tried to explain that I missed my old dogs but he just didn't get it. 

We haven't watched that movie since. haha! ANYWAYS, Addison found and would not put it down. She carried it everywhere and said "aarf aarf" all the time. She wouldn't let Ryan take it from her when it was time for bed, so she went to bed with it. You can barely make it out in the picture above. I thought it was adorable. Hopefully someday Ryan will let us get a dog :) 

Stylin' girl in her shades. She's getting better about leaving them on for her walks! 

Sunday, October 8, 2017

A little super hero

Addison found this mask at Grandma Rita's in a toy box and wanted me to put it on her. I didn't get a good picture of our little super hero....she was moving and talking too fast! 

Took a walk to the park near Grandma & Grandpa's, Addison thought it was so funny that Grandma was swinging next to her! 

She's learning how to bounce on this donkey pretty good! 

We have a Pride Rock in Bondurant, thought it was only appropriate to take Addison's photo here on the 4th of July. We are thankful to be American!