Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Pool Day

Daycare had asked us to send a swimsuit as they would have a pool day. So we did. It stayed dry. Addison preferred the Fred Flintstone car instead. haha! 

So we decided we better buy a pool and get our kid used to water. At daycare they have a little pool, a slide, and a sprinkler. 

I seem to remember the day differently than these photos....it makes it look like she enjoyed herself! 

It was a work in progress, she much preferred to be outside the pool. 

The pool had a spigot to attach the hose too, Ryan thought she might like that. Nothing like making her a little more scared of water!!

She slowly got used to swim days at daycare. she didn't love the water as much as the other kids but she at least touched it. haha! 

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