Saturday, September 16, 2017

Fun with Friends!

We got the little picnic table to prepare for our friends to visit! At the end of July, the Nolting's and Thraen's came over for lunch. Addison was excited about the little picnic table, she has one at daycare that they eat snacks on. 

Addison showing Henry the Beaver, he thought it was pretty cool too. 

Jason had to have a little talk with Addison about not stiff-arming Caleb in the photo this time! 

And this is how trying to take a photo with 3 little munchkins goes.....haha! 

Addison showing Henry some of her singing animals. 

I didn't get a photo of it, but Henry gave out free hugs too....they were pretty amazing. 

 It was a good day of catching up with friends and playing for the kids. If only we could do it more often! These visits will become more and more fun as the kiddos grow up. We have the best friends!

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