Saturday, September 30, 2017

Do the Zoo!

Ryan's company, Ruan, has their founder's day celebration every summer and they do a family outing. This year was at the Des Moines Zoo. It was about 98 degrees outside but Addison did surprisingly well!

We knew Addison found the animals in the cages when she "arfed" She thinks all animals say "arf arf" like a dog. :) 

This truck is similar to the first truck that John Ruan used to start his business. 

And I had to get Ryan and Addison with the Ruan semi. She looks so tiny! It was a good night and it's nice that Ruan celebrates their Founder's Day....and includes the family! Best part of the whole night for Addison, as we were walking out the gate to go home, they had a table full of water bottles for people to take home. Water bottles are Addison's FAVORITE thing to play with at home. So she thought it was a good night!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Read me a book!

We are just doing some post-bath reading. Yes that means emptying the whole bin. Every time.

She doesn't read in her room often, it's mostly in the living room. Some of her favorite books are: Hop on Pop (#1 favorite), Oh The Thinks You Can Think, Shoe-La-La, Little Blue Truck, and Ten Apples Up On Top. Little girl LOVES to read. There are three parts of Hop on Pop that she will laugh at. I love it, it's pretty funny. Doesn't matter how many times you read it, she still thinks it's funny! She's been laughing at that book since she was about 7 months old! We usually read for around 20 minutes a night but sometimes it's longer. The kid loves books! 

She's not picky about how you read to her. She will sit on you any way she can and hand you a book. 

It took her longer to get on top of me than it took me to read the book! 

This isn't a good picture, but apparently the only one we have of when we got our new couch in the living room. She LOVES it. She asks to be "up" all the time. So much, that we brought her step stool downstairs and put it next to the couch so she can get up and down herself! 

Getting ready for a weekend at Grandma Rita's & Grandpa Ron's, so Ryan got the car seat out of his car. Usually we just trade cars but it was a long weekend so we were putting one in their car. She thought it was so fun to play in her car seat.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Fun with Friends!

We got the little picnic table to prepare for our friends to visit! At the end of July, the Nolting's and Thraen's came over for lunch. Addison was excited about the little picnic table, she has one at daycare that they eat snacks on. 

Addison showing Henry the Beaver, he thought it was pretty cool too. 

Jason had to have a little talk with Addison about not stiff-arming Caleb in the photo this time! 

And this is how trying to take a photo with 3 little munchkins goes.....haha! 

Addison showing Henry some of her singing animals. 

I didn't get a photo of it, but Henry gave out free hugs too....they were pretty amazing. 

 It was a good day of catching up with friends and playing for the kids. If only we could do it more often! These visits will become more and more fun as the kiddos grow up. We have the best friends!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Pool Day

Daycare had asked us to send a swimsuit as they would have a pool day. So we did. It stayed dry. Addison preferred the Fred Flintstone car instead. haha! 

So we decided we better buy a pool and get our kid used to water. At daycare they have a little pool, a slide, and a sprinkler. 

I seem to remember the day differently than these makes it look like she enjoyed herself! 

It was a work in progress, she much preferred to be outside the pool. 

The pool had a spigot to attach the hose too, Ryan thought she might like that. Nothing like making her a little more scared of water!!

She slowly got used to swim days at daycare. she didn't love the water as much as the other kids but she at least touched it. haha! 

Sunday, September 10, 2017

You Scream, I Scream....We All Scream for Ice Cream!

We tried once before our trip to California to feed Addison ice cream, she had no interest. We tried again in California. We went to a little place on the beach known for their shakes. Mom was willing to share with Addison, Dad....not so much.

Addison liked the Peanut Butter Chocolate malt....but then again, who wouldn't!?! Yummm.....

Yup, it's again to stand on the table and eat ice cream. Everything is okay when you are on vacation! 

What a goofy little smile! 

2nd time around in the pool was a little better! Maybe next summer she will like the pool a little more. Guess her parents better take her swimming more! 

Friday, September 1, 2017

Beach Baby

I think I already posted some beach photos, they are all out of order since some were from my phone and some were from Ryan's phone. But here is Addison's first trip to the beach!

Brothers and babies

This one is one of my favorites! 

Addison liked playing in the sand more than I thought she would. She only got mad when she went to put her fingers in her mouth - yuck!

The beach was cold....who wants to wear a sweatshirt at the beach?!?!

It was nice to see Brad, Lori, and Nolan on our birthday trip as well! We will get back to CA someday to go to San Diego and have Nolan show us around :)