Wednesday, August 16, 2017

California Continued....

These two photos should have been with the first post, apparently my photos are out of order. Grandma Rita and Addison looking out the window at the airport and then Dad and Addison waiting for our luggage when landed in CA! 

Addison's first time swimming! She didn't love it. haha :) There was no way she was loosing her grip on me. 

We stayed in a themed house, although I'm not sure what this wall was from. This is what you saw right as you walked in the door. We stayed in the Star Wars Room....all the kids were jealous. And we hate Star Wars - ha! 

Conner's teaching Addison how to play a game on his Ipad. I'm shocked she never tried to touch the screen.

While waiting for Tracey and Hugh to return with our discounted tickets to the amusement park, Grandma Rita decided to crack a beer. ha! Not really. We were just sending photos to the 1/2 of the family that went to Disney :) 

After getting our discounted tickets we were off to Wally World. Addison fell asleep in the car (7 minute drive) and used Makena's sweatshirt as her rag. 

More to come! 

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