Thursday, August 24, 2017

Addison's first swim!

Addison was not sleeping at night while we were in California, she would only sleep if we held her. So when the family went to race go-carts and play mini golf on Kelly's birthday, Addison and I stayed home to take a nap. We sent this picture to Ryan after she woke up. 

First time in a pool! This was also during the time where she HATED baths and screamed the whole time. At least she didn't scream in the pool! 

Hugh getting his leg work-out

The kids had contests to see who could fly the furthest! Ryan and Dave got their work-outs here.

Ryan's in the deep end, he needs a floatie. 

Grandma and Addison just chillin by the pool 

I wish I could remember who won this game of chicken....

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