Sunday, August 27, 2017

Happy Birthday Kelly!

 The big day arrived, the whole reason for our vacation.....Kelly's Birthday!! We celebrated with a mexican fiesta for supper and a cookie and cupcakes for dessert!

The Prescotts

Dinner entertainment....Landon's circus act.

Addison's first time seeing palm we had to take a picture of course. 

And this funny tree too

All kids were silent, believe it or not, they were watching 5 Little Monkey videos as that was the only thing that made Addison happy. They were watching them on repeat. I think the older kids were just desperate to watch an ipad so it didn't matter what was on! 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Addison's first swim!

Addison was not sleeping at night while we were in California, she would only sleep if we held her. So when the family went to race go-carts and play mini golf on Kelly's birthday, Addison and I stayed home to take a nap. We sent this picture to Ryan after she woke up. 

First time in a pool! This was also during the time where she HATED baths and screamed the whole time. At least she didn't scream in the pool! 

Hugh getting his leg work-out

The kids had contests to see who could fly the furthest! Ryan and Dave got their work-outs here.

Ryan's in the deep end, he needs a floatie. 

Grandma and Addison just chillin by the pool 

I wish I could remember who won this game of chicken....

Monday, August 21, 2017

Knott's Berry Farm

Right as we entered the park, there was Snoopy & Woodstock to get our photos with. Addison wasn't sure what to think....

We sat out the bumper cars but it was a quite a war! The Skjeveland's and Ryan were in attack-mode! 

Addison and Grandma Rita enjoyed the pretty flowers while we were riding rides. 

Addison did like the carousel though! 

Addison was indifferent on the semi's, she had to sit down on the bench and couldn't see over the side of the truck. 

Grandma Rita remembered her Cyclone flag! 

We realized that this was our first time at an amusement park together! 

One of Ryan's ideas for a trip for Kelly's birthday was to go somewhere to pan for gold (and get rich quick). This was the closest he got! 

Just some guys we hung out with :) 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

California Continued....

These two photos should have been with the first post, apparently my photos are out of order. Grandma Rita and Addison looking out the window at the airport and then Dad and Addison waiting for our luggage when landed in CA! 

Addison's first time swimming! She didn't love it. haha :) There was no way she was loosing her grip on me. 

We stayed in a themed house, although I'm not sure what this wall was from. This is what you saw right as you walked in the door. We stayed in the Star Wars Room....all the kids were jealous. And we hate Star Wars - ha! 

Conner's teaching Addison how to play a game on his Ipad. I'm shocked she never tried to touch the screen.

While waiting for Tracey and Hugh to return with our discounted tickets to the amusement park, Grandma Rita decided to crack a beer. ha! Not really. We were just sending photos to the 1/2 of the family that went to Disney :) 

After getting our discounted tickets we were off to Wally World. Addison fell asleep in the car (7 minute drive) and used Makena's sweatshirt as her rag. 

More to come! 

Sunday, August 13, 2017

First Flight

On June 8, the Lents family boarded an airplane for Addison's first flight! We flew out of DSM, along with Grandma Rita & Grandpa Ron on our way to Anaheim, CA. Kelly was turning 40 and decided we needed a family vacation! Addison was AMAZING on the plane, She slept 2.5 of the 3 hour flight to Vegas. Then ran around the airport and laughed and "said hi" to each and every person. Then for the 2nd flight, she took another short snooze. Ryan wanted to take away the pacifier about a month before our trip but I convinced him we needed to keep it. It was a blessing, that pacifier helped a ton throughout the whole vacation!

The first day, we went to Knotts Berry Farm, an amusement park. None of us are in the picture above, but this was a great roller coaster. We had never been on a roller coaster that you sat on rather than in. It was pretty fun! Addison watched from the sideline with Grandma and Grandpa. 

Conner and Ryan on the roller coaster. Yes Conner's hair looked like that prior to the ride :) 

Addison and I took a couple rides on the carousel - we don't have great pictures but she loved it. Grandma, Grandpa, and Dad stood on the side and waved every time we went around. Addison loved it!

 Addison had a lot of first this vacation, she also had her first trip to the beach and ocean. It was a chilly day. CA definitely disappointed on the weather front. The Julius family didn't pack warm enough clothes! I threw this sweatshirt in for Addison last minute, glad I did! The water was FREEZING. But Addison still let me put her toes in it :)

Addison wrote her name all by herself :) ha!