Saturday, June 29, 2024

Castaway Cay!!

This was the day I was most excited for..... Castaway Cay! This is Disney's private island. We were actually the only ship there at the time too, it was really nice! 

We took this photo right when we got off the ship. The kids liked seeing how big the ship was. 

It started to sprinkle right when we took the picture. We were Goofy's last picture. So we missed the other characters in their beach gear :( 

Then..... it poured. And poured some more. We found an awning to stand under. It probably only rained for 15-20 minutes but it felt like forever! I was so worried we wouldn't get to experience the island, but it stopped and cleared up! 

We were running the 5k around the island! 

They had some scenes along the path. It was pretty cool! 

Kelly went back to find the rest of the family and tell them where our chairs were. So it was just us! 

Look at the giant centipede we found! And yes, Parker did the 5k barefoot. 

Here she comes! 

We took our time, so Kelly caught up with us. 

Little legs got tired :) 

And we got our medals! The kids loved them and will still wear them around every once in a while. 

The kids got beach toys in their bags for "fairy dusting" outside the room. Perfect gift! 

Beautiful clear water! The kids were in heaven. 

Disney Magic Ship

Mason using the cannons to try to hit the kids when they get off the water slide. Mason spent a lot of time at these cannons! 

It was pretty hot out, so we played a game with the boys. There was water from our beer buckets and who jumped the least when ice cold water was poured on them.... was the winner. Nolan is very competitive and determined, he worked sooo hard not to jump when the ice cold water went on his back. I was impressed! He was the winner! 

After the water was dumped on him. 

The best we could get - ha! 

Sent the kids to the kids club at the beach, so the adults had some beers at the bar. It was Grandma Rita's birthday so we had a beer for her (ha!) 

They had restaurant that served you lunch, complete with the pop machines and ice cream machines. The kids favorite part was the bags of chips at the restaurant and ice cream machines of course. It was soooo nice to just get off the boat and have everything right there for you and included. We love the eat as much as you want whenever you want atmosphere :) 

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