Friday, June 28, 2024

Chip & Dale

When we went back to our room, we found a Rapunzel dress on our bed for Addison. She was so excited! 

Her favorite part of the dress was the gloves, rings, and earrings :) Addison got a little pep in her step with her new dress! 

Mom's FAVORITE is Pluto :) I was excited we got our picture with him right away! 

So it was around 10pm on the day we boarded, and we saw Chip & Dale. Addy was pretty exhausted and didn't want to wait in line. Her and Ryan went back to bed. Mason was all about Chip & Dale! He was ready to wait in line. We ended up being at the end of the line and he waited patiently for 20 minutes or so. 

These two were the highlight of Mason's Characters! He loved their silliness. :) And the cast members told us funny things about Chip & Dale while we waited. Chip is the one with the brown nose and Dale has the gap between his front teeth. Mom also had a dog named Chip, he was the best dog ever. 

 I found Chip & Dale jammies on clearance last November (after the cruise) and Mason got them for Christmas. He was pretty excited. He even wore them last night :) 

It was fun to see him excited about characters! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Off to a Disney Cruise!!

Waiting in the airport for our flight to Florida! Mason was feeling good..... Addison not so much. She started to not feel good the day we were leaving. Then she got sick in the airport. Ugh. We felt so bad for her. 

So happy we only had one sick kid! This kid was great on the flight. Mason, Addy and me sat in one aisle while Ryan was about 10 rows behind us. Addison made it through the whole flight and then got sick right as we were landing. There were some older ladies behind us that thought I needed help (I didn't) and were all worked up that Ryan was so far behind us. They made a big deal and told him to come up to help (there was nothing he could do). Thankfully we had some motion sickness bags in our seats!! Then we got in the Uber...... and she got sick again. We told the guy she gets car sick and we come prepared :) (oops). We made it and tipped the Uber guy generously in cash. Ugh! We were so happy to be done traveling! 

These kids were so excited for the Disney Cruise!! Poor Addy still wasn't 100%, but she was trying. She was soooo worried she would be sick on the cruise. This last time she got sick, she vomited for 5 days. FIVE. It was awful. Normally it was 3 days, this last time got longer. Thankfully she did get over the vomiting fairly quick. 

You can tell Addy isn't feeling the best......we had to treat her carefully the day we were boarding the ship. It was pretty hot, we were doing our best. We just needed to get her on the boat without someone noticing she wasn't right!! 

And yes, they are sitting on cases of beer we were taking on the boat :) 

We made it! 

Got our bags ready for Fairy Dusting and our magnets for the door. The kids LOVED the magnets (thanks Kelly & Grandma Rita). Mason carried around one of his magnets pretty much the whole cruise. Now it's on the freezer in the garage and he talks about it frequently. 

Ryan was trying to keep his beer cold by putting the can in a cup of ice. It was pretty hot so the ice melted fast.... and the water poured out while he took a drink. Ha! 

Kick off party!!

This guy was so excited! He loved seeing Mickey & Donald Duck! 

First of MANY ice cream cones! 

Crab legs as we left port :) 

We toured the Kids Club. Mason was excited about "Andy's Toy Room" and the Slinky Dog slide :) The Kids Club was huge and they had so many things to do. It's been almost a year and they still talk about going to Kids Club. 

The Lents Family boarding the boat. Addison loved how when we walked on the boat into the grand lobby, they announced our name and the characters were there to greet us and all the guests clapped. 

You can bet I will be researching dates and prices for upcoming cruises later today..... I'm ready to go again! 

Not everyone was able to go on this vacation, but a good chunk of the Julius clan! Grandma Rita really wanted to go on a Disney cruise and see the kids with the characters/Princesses. So we said "Let's do it!"

 We did the photo package. It was pretty affordable and we got some great pictures!