Friday, April 26, 2024

Ice cream and mini golf

Well it's been over a month since I've worked on this, life has been crazy and now I'm further behind...... I'm still posting from last July. 

I didn't take any pictures while mini golfing, but we went golfing with Dale, Evonne, Cathy, Nolan & Garrett. They kids had a good time and it was a good course at Jester Park! Aunt Cathy bought the kids ice cream afterwards, Mason ate a GIANT ice cream sandwich!! 

Kids with their ice cream! 

Since this kid turned 3 and wasn't going to be in the baby class anymore, we decided we better get him in lessons! This is him at his preview lesson. 

Addison's daycare did their own Build a Bear. She loved it!! She chose the groundhog. 

Just a tractor hauling two wagons and a scraper. Just a normal day :) 

Now the semi is hauling the wagon and scraper. 

 Just a day at the zoo..... we like to watch the wallaby's hop. 

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