Friday, March 31, 2023

The flight home

Sad to be leaving Mexico :( But loving airplanes! Both kids did amazing on the flights (well, never a question about Addison). 

There were some crazy storms on our way home from MN. Tried to capture the double-rainbow. The kids were stoked. 

Grabbed some Wendy's on the way home and found out Addison was using her finger to lick up the ketchup. She learned that from Nolan. If that's worst thing she picked up from Nolan after 5 days, we are considering ourselves lucky!! Ha! 

I feel I may have posted these pictures already but I'm not going back to look :) 

Oh the giant mess they make when the tent comes out..... I feel like they just take the cubes and dump them out in the tent. Yikes..... 

Utterly amazed that Mason could hold himself up!! This kid is strong compared to Addison! 


Sunday, March 26, 2023

The last of Mexico pictures

The 3 Amigos :) These three were excited to be together on their first night. 

Getting ready for picture day! 

Just the boys :) This might have been at the Michael Jackson entertainment. I loved that show by the way - ha! Lots of discussions on if the entertainer was a man or woman though..... 

The little ones needed help seeing over the crowds. 

These boys went on an excursion to go snorkeling. 

 These were the last of the random Mexico pictures I had. Kelly did a book for us of course. It was a great vacation that went all too fast! I would do it again in a heart beat. So glad we could all find time to celebrate the 50th anniversary! 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

The Whole Family...... and then just the Lents'

All the grandkids! Parker (14), Mason (2), Makena (16), Addison (6), Brayden (10), Nolan (3), and Conner (15)

Mason did not enjoy the sand, not one tiny bit. But thankfully you can't really tell in these pictures! 

Just the boys! 

The whole family! 

Grandma & Grandpa with the kids

And the Lents family

Mason wouldn't walk -ha! 

I was pretty disappointed Mason didn't want to cooperate and wouldn't smile..... but this is pretty stinkin' cute! 

 And just the four kids. It was a good vacation and so glad we were able to go. Addison has Mexico on her wish list again :) 

Friday, March 17, 2023

The Prescotts & Skjevelands

The Prescott's

The Skjeveland's

Love this picture! It turned out super cute. 

 And this one is cute too :)