Monday, February 17, 2020

Swimming with Kelly

We went up to the big pool one day. It's nice because they have a shallow area that Addison can play in. She can take her diving toys and she can drop them and get them herself. 

Aunt Kelly got in the water and took Addison swimming. Addison hasn't had any swimming lessons yet, but Kelly got her started. Kelly taught her how to doggie paddle. She was quite timid in kicking her legs and making a splash. 

She also taught her to jump in. By the end of the day, she was doing pretty good at "jumping" to Kelly.

Parker showing Addison how it's done :) Might be a little bit before Addison is doing cannon balls. Although we do have her signed up for swimming lessons that start next week!! She's never put her face in the water so we will see how this goes..... ha! 

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