Monday, September 9, 2019

The Amalfi Coast

So in April, I got the chance to go to Italy for work. I was hosting the Portrait of Italy trip for the Traveling Cyclones. Ryan was able to go as my "companion". 

This is the view on the Amalfi Coast. It was beautiful. It was amazing how narrow and curvy the roads were. Our big tour bus got stuck a couple times and we had to back up to let someone else pass. You could see on some of the buildings some scrape marks where vehicles couldn't quite fit. Our tour guide told us that if we ever come on our own, don't rent a car on the Amalfi Coast! 

First photo in Italy. 

This was our first gelato. We don't look too bad for having been traveling for about 16 hours between flights and airports. Then another 1.5 hour on a bus. We had some time to kill before our group dinner so we got some gelato. 

The first of MANY duomos (cathedrals) that we saw. 

My amazing travelers! There were 23 travelers plus myself and Ryan. And our tour guide Mara. It was such a great group! We spent a lot of time together but everyone really enjoyed each other's company. 

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