Friday, September 28, 2018

Off to the Zoo!

We decided to head to the Omaha Zoo for the day the first weekend in July. I was pretty excited, I love zoos. We got up early, packed the car, and picked up Ryan's mom on the way. We stopped for donuts along the way, Addison called me out that I picked one out for her with no frosting - ha! 

The very first thing we saw at the zoo was a big pile of dirt. This was in the dessert dome. I hadn't been to the zoo in many years, so the dessert dome was new to me. It was quite disappointing.

Addison liked the gorillas. But she didn't like to stand still at the windows very long, so it was great that the zoo had lots of gorillas and monkeys. We could keep walking but always saw more animals. 

They had a nice little bench for the little ones to stand on. There were lots of monkeys in this display, she loved it. 

You can actually get pretty close to the animals, I feel like the giraffes are always so far away! We couldn't get Addison to look and smile, but oh well. It was pretty hot that day but Addison was a trooper. It was fun to see her find each animal in the displays, she would squeal and then yell the animal name (if she knew it).

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