Sunday, July 2, 2023

Potty Training

Oh this poor girl..... She got sick the day after a football game on a Sunday morning. She had a some crazy illnesses in 2022. Normally, I wouldn't post a picture like this but wanted to mention the crazy illnesses she had. In the months of August, September, October, and November, Addison got sick around the 9th of the month. And then was sick for about 3 days. Throwing up constantly. It was AWFUL. SO. BAD. I'm not over-exaggerating when I say constantly. Ugh. 
So I started trying to track activity, food, etc..... then in December....she stayed healthy! The cycle ended. It was so weird, but I'm so glad it's over! 

Mason working to change the crib to a toddler bed. 

He was pretty excited for his altered bed! We needed to get him in a toddler bed so we could potty train! 

It's potty-training time! So we pushed the couch back, rolled up the rug, and took off the diaper! Three whole days entertaining Mason in the living room. So he got to play with kinetic sand :) 

And he played house while Addison was at school. 

 These are all the toys he took to his room. And put them on the hamper so I can't throw dirty clothes in there. Ha! He did good with the potty training. It was stressful for mom and dad (because we want to do it right) but he did catch on. He also caught on really fast to the nights and naps. Daycare was impressed so that was another parenting win :) We will take them where we can get them!! 

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Reiman Garden's Pumpkin Walk

Addison and I went to Reiman Garden's for their Halloween Pumpkin walk for the 2nd year in a row. Their pumpkins are pretty impressive! Chase is on the left and Cy on the right above. 

Addison chose her angel costume for this night and once again, the M&M's pumpkins are her favorite. 

Shrek on the left and Ghostbusters on the right. Beautiful night for the walk. They have themed areas, Halloween music, and little video shows that Addison enjoyed. 

More M&M's :) The M&M's are in the Willy Wonka themed area, where they hand out candy. They have candy shoots that Addison thinks are pretty cool. And they hand out good candy! 

Mason was potty training this weekend, so Grandma Rita came to take Addison shopping for a couple hours (since we were all stuck at home). They went to Lowe's and picked out an inflatable :) 

The Mickey goes in and pops out of the pumpkin. Mason was pretty excited when he saw it the first time. The kids love spooky houses, so I wanted to start decorating :)