Friday, December 27, 2024

Snow Days

This is how Ryan eats cake..... one row at a time straight out of the pan (why would we dirty dishes?). 

Snow day! We invited Lukas over since his mom still had school in Ames. Proof that I made them read a little bit - ha! 

They had a great day! They played wii, a few games, read some books, the day flew by! 

I don't remember why he made this face, but it was a funny one :) 

For Parker

Got the 3 kids bundled up and sent them outside while I worked. Mason lost his boot in the snow at the back of the yard, walked across the yard back to the house to knock on the window of the office to tell me he lost his boot. Crazy kid!! 

Climbing the "mountain" at the edge of the driveway. 

We were preparing for a giant snowstorm that was forecasted, so we went to the library to get some new books. 

I love that they both love books (and that Addison will read to Mason - ha!) 

I was still working on this snow day... and Ryan was on a work trip. The snow day was a Friday. The kids wanted to make their own lunch. They worked together and did a great job! 

Slicing the hard boiled egg. 

Picnic lunch! Peanut butter sandwiches, hard boiled egg, slice of cheese, strawberries and pickles. 

Snow and wind!! We had some pretty big drifts (compared to what we normally get). 

Cuddling on the couch watching a movie.... love it! 

Mason took a nap on Ryan's side of the bed, so we had to send Ryan a picture. Ryan made it back to MN but couldn't make it to Des Moines yet. He was stuck in MN for a few days. We had fun without him but sure missed him! His amazing coworker came up from Ankeny and cleared our driveway for us. 

Lots of games! 

And some puzzles too. 

Mom trying to do the swing while taking Mason to bed..... I wasn't as good as Dad. Ha! 

More pictures we sent to Ryan. Lots of snow for us! 

Addison was putting away the dishes. She found herself a new job. 

Ready for her first sleepover! Evie Pedersen was having a sleepover birthday party. Addison had a blast. Mason and I had a fun "Mom & Mason" night. 

He always has to see the card on the bottom of the pile when we finish the game. It was a unicorn! Had to show this one to Dad too. 

Since Addison was gone, Mason thought it was super funny to sleep in her bed. 

More puzzles and games on our snow-weekend. 

Making their own lunch again. 

Cold and snowy, but she thought this was an appropriate outfit. 

No pictures, but Ryan finally got home on Sunday! It was a great, snow day weekend. I was happy we still had power, so being stuck inside was fine with me!

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

ISU takes down Houston (in Jan. 2024)

This was a snow day..... but ISU was playing Houston at Hilton that night. So we thought long and hard about it and decided to give it a shot. Ryan said the roads were not bad coming home from work, but it was bitter cold. We made it :) Addison got a program and loved reading the stats. 

Students were on break so we got their seats through Junior Cyclone Club. The kids were pretty pumped! 

Just like a college girl - ha! 

Below zero outside, but we still needed a clone cone! He loves ice cream cones. 

Looks like trouble! 

Cy plopped down next to us!! The kids loved it. We don't usually get Cy to our seats - ha! 

 It was such a fun game!! Houston was ranked #1 in the big 12 I believe and it was our first conference game. Cyclones were cookin' (as Nolan would say) and we saw some awesome dunks. And a big win! It was a great night and I'm glad we went! 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Snow Day

This kid needed a haircut! His long hair and hockey shirt were a good match though. 

We got a system going.... Ryan does the bottom with a razor and I do the top with scissors (Ryan has the easier job)

Snow Day! We got dumped on, the kids were excited (and so was I since I didn't have to leave home). 

Addison got herself dressed for the snow day. Grumpy Branch. 

Mason wanted to be Poppy then.... we sent this picture to Ryan. He was not impressed with their choices. Ha! 

Daycare was open but we kept Mason home so that I didn't have to go out (brrr) and the two kids could play together. They played games, wii, basketball, etc. We love snow days :) 

Getting dressed to go outside, trying out the warm socks Parker gave us - ha! 

Trying to get bundled up to go outside, lots of work.... But they did have fun outside!